gewährleisten (IP-Adresse, Datum und Uhrzeit der Anfrage, Browser etc.). Diese Erhebung
personenbezogenen Daten stellt keine Auswertung personenbezogener Daten dar.
Der Nutzung der im Impressum veröffentlichten Kontaktdaten durch Dritte zur Übersendung
von nicht ausdrücklich gewünschter Werbung, insbesondere Spam-Mails, wird widersprochen
und im Falle der Nichtbeachtung ggf. mit rechtlichen Schritten verfolgt.
(Quelle: BUSE HERZ GRUNST Rechtsanwälte)
Disclaimer (english Version)
1. limitation of liability for website content
Pursuant to Section 7 (1) of the German Telemedia Act (TMG), the person responsible for the
website within the meaning of Section 5 TMG is responsible for his own information that he
makes available for use in accordance with general legislation.
The person responsible for the aforementioned website accepts no liability for the topicality,
correctness and completeness of the content provided on this website. This does not apply if
the person responsible can be accused of intentional or grossly negligent behavior. The
contents were created with the greatest possible care and to the best of our knowledge.
Nevertheless, the accuracy of the content cannot be guaranteed, especially in the case of
complex topics, so that the person responsible recommends that users contact the relevant
authorities for important information or seek legal advice.
Contributions identified by name that are made publicly available on the website reflect the
opinion of the respective author and not always the opinion of the website operator.
Insofar as paid or free and freely accessible content or services are made available on the
website, these are non-binding invitatio ad offerendum, which merely call for the submission
of an offer by the user and do not themselves constitute a binding offer.
According to §§ 8 ff. TMG, the website operator is not responsible for third-party content that
he publishes for a user, provided that
1. he has no knowledge of the illegal act or the information and, in the case of claims for
damages, no facts or circumstances are known to him from which the illegal act or the
information becomes apparent, or
2. he has taken immediate action to remove the information or to block access to it as
soon as he became aware of it.
Liability in this regard is thus only possible from the time of gaining knowledge of a concrete
If the website operator becomes aware of such illegal content, it will be removed
2. liability for outgoing links